November 2023


Our architect, David Gray, is carefully designing our manufacturing space. He has taken the cut sheets (the technical specifications) for our equipment and modeled them to scale on our floorplan. Having the correct dimensions helps us consider different arrangements for workflow. Tomorrow, David will come down for a site visit - we’ll have updates in our December newsletter.


We’ve been working through options for our point-of-sale system. We’ll want to sell our spirits and merchandise both in-person and through our website. To effectively synchronize sales and inventory, we need a simple platform that is easy for customers and for us. We’re thankful for the help of Jenny and Brett at Beaverhead Brewing for their advice on the system they use.


Our first batch of eggnog, aging since September, is ready! It’s delicious, and it’s decadent. The aging process has melded the flavors of three kinds of alcohol, three kinds of dairy, an abundance of egg yolks, some sugar, and nutmeg. In this first batch, we used cognac, rum, and bourbon. The second batch, which will be ready in mid-December, has two versions: one combines cognac, rum, and rye whiskey; the second combines cognac, a different rye whiskey, and aged tequila. We love a taste test. 

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December 2023


October 2023