May 2024


Last month, we mentioned that Derek had been dismantling the floor joists on the Virginia St. side of the building and would soon begin cleaning out the accumulated dust and dirt underneath. He has been making great progress with this site work, preparing for the future concrete in the manufacturing space.

During this digging, Derek has uncovered some fascinating treasures that offer a glimpse into the building's rich history. Among the items were old bottles, matchbooks, and even a label from Dillon's old creamery. We would love to learn more about the creamery if anyone can share some local history.

Business / Community

Lindsay Jaeger has been helping us design signage for each side of the building, merchandise for taking drinks to go, and our official bottle labels. The labels will need to follow strict federal guidelines for what information they include (for example, alcohol content, health warning statement, etc.). 

Speaking of federal guidelines, we have been compiling our permitting paperwork for the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to be a Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP). We will also apply for a distillery license through the State of Montana. A distillery license will allow us to serve patrons 2oz of spirits per person per day. This differs from an all-beverage license, which permits the operation of a full bar, or a beer and wine license. After obtaining a Beaverhead County health permit and a City of Dillon business license, we’ll be ready to go.


Katrina’s shrub taste tests are shifting into seasonal fruits - with May’s early rhubarb she’s working on how to scale up production of this delicious shrub. 

Derek and our friend Callie have been experimenting with recipes for different mash bills. Their research is laying the groundwork for our future whiskeys - including bourbon, wheat, rye, and single malt - all made with Montana small grains.

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June 2024


April 2024