June 2023


Inside the building, Derek has been carefully pulling up the floors. We will reuse the old floorboards in our future tasting room. For those of you who are familiar with the warehouse, you’ll remember the blue grain scale – in the final plans we’ll have the perfect spot for it.

Lindsay Jaeger, who we’re working with to develop our logo and overall brand style, came to Dillon this month. Part of our conversation with her was about signage on the building. How will we keep the overall aesthetic while refreshing the façade?


Our design work on logo and bottle labels has been going extremely well. We’re narrowing down the final version and can’t wait to share it. See below for a sneak peek at the general direction we’re headed. Soon, we’ll have merchandise available, including hats, t-shirts, and stickers!


Our family has been visiting this month, meeting the baby and enjoying the beautiful Montana summer. Travelling all the way from New Hampshire, Katrina’s mom brought us some New England made spirits, including a straight rye whiskey from Flag Hill and a barrel aged rum from Copper Canyon. We look forward to enjoying both - thanks Bev.

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July 2023


May 2023