January 2024


After over a year of working on our application for the Renewable Energy for America Program (REAP) grant, we are excited to announce we were awarded our full proposal! This federal grant provides funding to rural small businesses and will pay half of our energy-efficiency related improvements to the building, like insulation.

Business / Community

This past weekend, we participated in (and donated merchandise to) the Dillon Rink Day. This was an amazing event that raised funds for rink maintenance at the Dillon Ice Corral, our outdoor community rink. In future years, the Terminus tasting room will house the Rink Plink’s ‘Stanley Pan’ (the stainless steel pan that serves as the target for the BB gun portion of the Rink Plink) and mount a plaque that will be engraved with the annual winners of each division.


We made our final payment on our 500 gallon hybrid pot still from Affordable Distillery Equipment. With this type of still, we plan to make whiskeys as well as vodkas, gins, brandies, and agave spirits. To learn more about how a pot still works, check out this video, titled ‘How a Pot Still Works.’ In the coming months, we will visit a Virginia distillery using a similar ADE still to get hands-on experience before our opening.

For those of you hoping we might have our own eggnog this coming holiday season: Katrina has had some great conversations with Rosemary Hickey at the Department of Livestock learning about what it would take to be licensed as a Grade B Manufacturing Plant. This designation would mean we would meet standards to pasteurize our own eggnog. More to learn - we’ll keep you posted.

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February 2024


December 2023