June 2022


Derek has been hard at work renovating inside the warehouse. The previous office space is now almost down to studs (see below, on the left side of the picture). Next steps will include disassembling it so we can reinforce the floors of the entire building.

We’ve started working with an architect, Drew Nuding, who has an interest in renovating historic industrial buildings and has an eye for designing comfortable, functional, and beautiful spaces. Our first meeting kicked off the conceptual study (what do we want this place to do? to be? for whom?). Drew will visit the building in July to carefully map the space, meet with fire marshals and County Health, and help us dream about what Terminus could become.


Last week, we met with Brian England, a Business professor at the University of Montana Western. This fall, we’ll work with his Senior Capstone class on marketing, strategic planning, and creative ideas. We’re thrilled to work with these college students - we especially need their advice on social media.

Speaking of, we did start a Facebook page! Check it out here to see a picture from today - Derek found a basement under the grain elevator. Who knew? Also, he’s found some neat old bottles (see below).

In other discoveries, we’re in the process of figuring out what our logo will look like. After two meetings with artist Birdie Hall, we are on top of the world. She is helping us connect what we love about this community to who we want to become as a business. While it’s too early to share draft designs, our mood board would have old Ford trucks, big horn sheep, and locally abundant sagebrush. Get ready.


Our research on major equipment continues. For a still, we’ll probably buy one new, but we are keeping tabs on the used market, hoping to find a diamond in the rough.

On a recent trip to Minnesota, we were able to buy some Far North Spirits. This small distillery is top notch - we loved their Røknar (a rye whiskey aged in cognac barrels). Derek likes it neat and I love a dash on some vanilla ice cream. Both gins we tried were excellent - Gustaf had more traditional juniper notes, while the Solveig had a lovely balance of botanicals. Bødalen, their bourbon, was clean and delicious.

We’re so grateful for your support as we step into this exciting adventure!

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July 2022


April & May 2022