August 2023


As we look ahead to the fall and winter, we’re prioritizing bids for insulation and HVAC. While the planning process continues to move slowly, it IS moving. On one hand, it is frustrating to still be in this phase, but we know it’s the right way to do things in the long run. 

Do you know anyone who wants a seed plant? In the ‘new part’ of the building (constructed in 1980), there is a Clipper Cleaner Super X298D, a Carter Disc Separator ADR2, a Gustafson S600SS seed treater, and a Clipper EML81 debearder. There are also several bucket elevators and more three-phase motors than you can shake a stick at. Everything looks like it's in good shape, but we can't test any of it since there is no power to the building right now. Because we won’t put this equipment to use in the way it was intended, we are hoping to find a new home for it. We’ve had a few people interested, but nothing firm yet. Reach out if you - or someone you know - might want to take a look.


We made our Farmers Market debut! A wonderful day talking with people, selling merchandise, and serving up homemade ginger beer. We currently have hats, unisex tshirts, and ¾ length baseball shirts, all ordered through Big Tyme Sportswear & Design. The four sticker designs have also been a hot commodity. We’ll be at the Dillon Farmers Market again on Labor Day weekend as well as the weekend after. Locals, stop by and say hi! To see what merch we still have available, check our website.

We’re already feeling welcomed into the Dillon business community. Earlier this month, we toured the building and shared our progress with Rebecca Jones of the Beaverhead Chamber of Commerce, Joleen Shultz of the Dillon Merchants Association and the Shultz Agency, and Tammi Myers of 406 Designs. They’ve been incredibly supportive of us - providing information, giving advice, and inviting us to community events. Get ready for a festive distillery forklift in the Parade of Lights…


Back in May, we recommended making a Montana Mule with Glacier Distilling’s North Fork Rye and Reed’s ginger beer. We still prefer the North Fork, but are partial to our own recipe for the ginger beer. Even without any alcohol, it’s refreshing on these hot days!

Speaking of drinks that are alcohol-optional, Katrina has been making more shrubs. We mentioned these in our February newsletter - they’re drinks made from macerating fruit with sugar, draining off the syrup, and combining that syrup with vinegar (usually apple cider vinegar). Her current favorite is strawberry peppercorn, while Derek enjoys the strawberry jalapeno. They’re great on ice with some sparkling water, or 1-to-1 with a shot of tequila (or vodka). However you take it, add a lime and you have a tasty drink.

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September 2023


July 2023